Free VPS

Request a Free VPS

We understand that at a very early stage, having the freedom to play to set the grounds of a new project might be of great help for many people.

This is why we at have been providing free webhosting services for well over a decade and are now offering Free VPS to help you launch your new website, project or startup.

Please note at this beta stage we require an email address associated to your own domain name.
The VPS will be configured as


We respect your privacy and we will not give away your details.


Free Virtual Private Server

Our new Free VPS is designed to help you create, develop and test your very own project.

Our initial VPS configuration is as follows:

  • Linux Debian/Ubuntu LTS
  • IPv6 public address
  • IPv4 mapped access to selected ports (http, https and others)
  • 1 CPU
  • 64-192MB RAM
  • 5GB storage

As this is a beta stage, the server specifications are subject to change.

VPS Features

Lightweight virtualisation is used in order to get the lowest RAM footprint: with this technology it is possible to run a small server with even just 16MB as no RAM is wasted to run the Operating System.

Why choose a free VPS?

We believe a well-managed hosting platform is enough for most users. However we realise that our power users and developers are getting used to manage their own server environment and applications. Our new Virtual Servers offering is the ideal solution to any small project.

Fill-in the form and get your Free VPS!